Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The kid on the block

The Silicon valley wonder kid is no longer the mysterious sweat shirted world’s youngest billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg, the co founder and CEO of Facebook is the new face on the cover page of Time. His face is etched there for “changing how we all live our lives” according to the selection panel of the ‘Person of the year’ award. Indeed, it has capped all his activities, connecting 500 million Facebook users across the world.

A few days back he had created ripples when he signed up for the ‘Giving Pledge,’ an initiative founded by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, asking signatories to step up their donations for worthy causes. “People wait until late in their career to give back. But why wait when there is so much to be done? With a generation of younger folks who have thrived on the success of their companies, there is a big opportunity for many of us to give back earlier in our lifetime and see the impact of our philanthropic efforts,” said this ‘Accidental Billionaire.’  This infact is considered to be a moral commitment and not a legal contract.  Something spectacular happened in India too, when WIPRO chairman Azeem Premji, donated 2 billion dollars to Indian primary education. In fact the rich often tend to behave poorly given the fact that much of them income is reinvested to harvest more money.  The biggest donation in the history of philanthropy of India has not meandered into the plum account sheets of business schools or religious establishments or higher education, but has gone to young Indian citizens which could give them wings to reach the unreachable. Many a tiny feet will be saved from the dirt tracks of India.

Zuckerberg is also the chief character in the much talked about Hollywood movie, ‘The Social Network.’ The films portrays Zuckerberg as a brilliant, power hungry, back stabbing hacker fuelled by social recognition and girls, which the Facebook has dubbed the films as mere fiction. Zuckerberg is said to have bought out two theatres so that his entire crew could watch the movie. The movie has already won six Golden Globe nominations and is a frontrunner for the Academy awards. Despite all the contentious issues of privacy violations alleged against Facebook, Zuckerberg remains committed to his widen the ‘Facebook effect.’ 500 million and growing users are already hooked up to his special effect. His audience is growing exponentially.  Right now he is the cynosure of all eyes. Mr Julian Assange, the 'Leak' man who was thought to be the heir to the throne is beaten at the post.

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