Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Entrance and Exit

It is definitely interesting when life coughs up strange situations which one cannot just ignore. What about the entrance and exits in our public vehicles, cinema halls, schools and universities.? Well there is a code of conduct, a silent unwritten one, a convention that just aims at order and decency.

What if one enters through the exit and exits through the entrance. Well if it happens in major international airports it can shut down the entire airport for a good three hours, throw all private pride into disarray and even prompt customers to sue the airlines and the airport for their inconvenience. So the entrance and the exit does become a big deal.

What if the young lady exits through the wrong door and the gentleman tries to enter through the same door.? Could be hilarious when both of them says it is their right to enter or exit. Add the notorious Roman 'scioperos' to it and you feel to sympathise with everyone who does not pay attention to the exit and entrance doors. The morning rush hours with the metro shutdown; well,  it is panic written  all over the city. With traffic snarls hitting every inch of the city no one seems to pay attention to the intricacies of  metro-citizen behaviour codes  It is now all about squeezing in without uttering a word, or standing on half a leg without brushing a 'signora' who can be quite a handful if she can't find her own 'private space' in the  and push pull. The young lady who exits just wants to exit, but has scant respect for the door which happens to be the entry door. The gentleman who struggles in, does not have the patience to let her get down. Both just fight for a wee moment for their rights, with a typical Roman shoulder shrug.An audible 'buh' escapes from somebody's lips. Nobody seems to cede the right to the other, but is extravagantly aware of their rights. But this is all in passing. Nobody has time to deliberate on these things, when one has to be watchful of a hundred things while travelling on the bus, without doubt, not to robbed of your valuables.

But are these doors this important.? Pricky drivers have always been joy killers when they just refuse to open the wrong doors. But a shout from the passenger can do the trick. The system in itself has a noble end. However the same holds no good when the bus is bulging on its seems. So where do you draw the line? Who is right? The young girl who exits through the wrong door or the gentleman who does not wait for the girl to get down as it is his 'rightful' door. Interesting....

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